Panache Basic Subscription

$325.00 every month

You’ve made the decision you want to improve your cycling performance. You may never have had a coach, you may be unsure if this is for you. You might have signed up for an event and now need help being fit enough to not just survive it, but enjoy it.

The basic subscription gives you a taste of how a coach can enhance your cycling performance and enjoyment.


You’ve made the decision you want to improve your cycling performance. You may never have had a coach, you may be unsure if this is for you. You might have signed up for an event and now need help being fit enough to not just survive it, but enjoy it.

The basic subscription gives you a taste of how a coach can enhance your cycling performance and enjoyment.

You’ve made the decision you want to improve your cycling performance. You may never have had a coach, you may be unsure if this is for you. You might have signed up for an event and now need help being fit enough to not just survive it, but enjoy it.

The basic subscription gives you a taste of how a coach can enhance your cycling performance and enjoyment.

For performance enhancement, your Basic subscription includes:

  • Training / performance review / goal setting consultation

  • A performance test to help design training and set realistic goals

  • Annual training plan development, with monthly review and training plan adjustment

  • One phone / Zoom meeting available per month

  • Wider expert sport science advice