You are serious about the ultimate performance in cycling. You have specific goals in the short, medium and long term and are committed to achieving them. You don’t take shortcuts in your preparation or with your equipment - why should your training be any different?

For the ultimate in performance enhancement, your ultimate subscription includes:

  • Regular training / performance review / goal setting consultation

  • Regular performance testing, athlete profiling and analysis

  • Annual training plan development, with weekly review and training plan adjustment

  • Advanced analysis of actual versus planned training and performance using WKO5

  • Regular (frequency to be agreed upon) phone / zoom meetings

  • Regular feedback on training provided via comments in TrainingPeaks

  • Wider expert sport science advice

  • Wider advice and access to network of professionals in bike fitting, sport dietetics, allied health and sports medicine as well as laboratory-based testing in your home city.

  • Detailed advice on heat and/or altitude training and performance

  • Advice on training and competition where travel and / or time-zone shifts occur

Ultimate subscription

$595 AUD per month*

  • Requires $119 USD annual TrainingPeaks Premium Athlete subscription setup fee


Pro subscription